What is it?

Coaching is a process in which the coach helps the client to achieve their goals. The process of Health Coaching aims to improve health through changing habits and is based on four pillars: 1. people are creative and have internal resources; 2. the coach is committed to be present and guide the customer to identify solutions to their health issues and well -being; 3. the process considers the individual as a whole – body, mind , emotion , spirit ; 4. The goal is to promote transformation.

What for?

Doctors and other health professionals often do not have enough time or monitoring tools to help their patients to change their lifestyle or establish healthy habits. The Health Coaching process elicits changes in habit and complements the work of other health professionals, helping the client bridge the recommendations received and their implementation. The Health Coach is a professional who considers all areas of your life – nutrition, physical activity, career, relationships and spirituality – in their quest for wellness, complementing other health professionals as well as being the bridge between you and them. The coach offers inspiration and support for you to find the lifestyle that better favors you.